Friday, July 11, 2008

all that time in the middle.

why hello,

i know i haven't been updating regularly like i said i would,
but i haven't been on the computer as regularly as i thought
i could! (rhyme)

we're finished with recording, completely... which is such a
wonderful feeling... i thought i was going to be so sad leaving
nashville, but i was so excited, because i'm so excited for
what is next!

what is next, you ask? well, jacob and i are going to start
on getting the album artwork sorted out and mixing/mastering will
start soon (hopefully)... we're wanting to have it done by
fall, which is a stretch, with no exact date in mind yet.

have i mentioned that the ep somewhat turned into a short full-length?
8 tracks does seem a little long for an ep... plus it sounds much more
exciting to call it a full-length (short or not)!

we do have a name for the album, but i'm not sure if i should release
it yet... for no real reason, just that i don't want to... ha!

there are a lot more video clips that i need to sort through, and i
will be posting a new video soon... thank you for your sweet words on
the last two... you all make me so much more excited for things to come!

also, i was at cornerstone in illinois this past week and i met so many wonderful
people who knew about my music and everything... i was actually very
surprised... but it was so encouraging and wonderful and such a blessing!
thank youuuu!

love you love you love youuuu.

becky and the honey trees.


Anonymous said...

i love you and am always so proud of you
<3 busi ;)

Anonymous said...

yeaaaah! geez, i know i say this everytime, but i am sososo excited for the new music! i have a feeling it's gonna be magical. :)

jessica ann said...

so exciting! how will one be able to get hands on an EP? i can't wait to hear it, i love your music! xo

Anonymous said...

i cant wait! :D

Anonymous said...

omg! I just moved from Illinois!! :-( I am SO bummed that I missed you! :-(

Excited for you guys! Really excited.

Monique Mendoza said...

You might be surprised as to how many people listen to your music all over the place :)

excited to hear the ep

C. Comprehensible said...

I'm so excited to get the EP, i love you guys, ever since I stumbled onto your myspace page I've been in love with your music :D. You guys rock<3

Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled for you guys! Congratulations on getting through the recording, I really can't wait for the release! Just remember to keep your eyes up and know that the bestbestbest is coming your way.

love your spirit so much!
- jackie -